Saturday, February 28, 2009

New Zodiac, by me.

A couple of years ago I made an updated zodiac. . .I found the constellations using Patrick's telescope and assigned them names and archetypes. . .just like the guy who did the original. I used lots of astrophysics, metaphysics, and wisdom of the ages. So that means it's REAL, people. Naysayers may scoff, but people who are intuitive enough will see that my new zodiac is solid and sound.

Rain Barrel (March 21 - April 20) You are a collector of useful things and ideas as well as a reservoir of beneficial knowledge. You are also a bit old fashioned, but still open to fresh ideas.

Flower Maiden (April 21 - May 21) You are head strong and others should recognize that your will is inevitable. You are also a green thumb and if not, your problem is you over water your plants.

Floppy Puppy (May 22 - June 20) You are fun loving and often the life of the party. You are also a bit naive and gullible, but maintain your trust in humanity's virtues.

Tricky Pig (June 20 - July 23) You are a social creature, but sometimes appear to tell people what they want to hear. You maintain the role of the diplomat even if you are up to no good.

Summer Haze (July 24 - August 21) You are very passionate and easy to anger. You are often described as being lethargic and taciturn when you are not motivated. You are most at ease with Flower Maidens.

Garden Gnome (August 22 - September 21) You are vigilant and dedicated to your work even though you are often over looked for promotion. You are a social person and like to be around other dependable people.

Golden Leaf (September 22 - October 22) You are prone to depression but others see you as having the perfect life. You watch and listen before making up your mind on most issues.

Spooky Castle (October 23 - November 22) You are quiet and guarded and are often accused of shutting people out and putting up defensive walls. You think fondly of better days and long for spring cleaning.

Drunken Salesman (November 23 - December 21) You are always selling people to new ideas or your point of view and are sometimes seen as being insincere. You sometimes blurt out that you love people and lose your car keys frequently.

Identical Snowflakes (December 22 - January 19) You are seen as being a complex introverted but you are actually content with simple pleasures. You often accumulate a vast network of friends, but most are fair weather friends.

Heirloom Quilt (January 20 - February 19) You are seen as chaotic and random when first met, however people soon find there is a method to your madness. You are also traditional and have a colorful sense of humor.

Lucky Charms (February 20 - March 20) You are blessed with the knack of being in the right place at the right time, and if not, then you are the opposite. You are a stargazer and are fascinated by rainbows.

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